song from the 80's
(too old to reply)
2016-01-05 15:05:56 UTC
Hello Dementos-
My BIL is a Doctor Demento fan and my fiance was talking about a song and video from the 80's. He can't remember much about it, except it was comic song about girls and he believes the singers name was John. Upon doing some research on it, I can't find any information. This morning, I was struck with the idea to look up Dr Demento to see if anything could be figured out. Help?!??!

Jeff Morris
2016-01-09 15:05:31 UTC
Can he remember anything else about it, such as any lyrics, or any more about the topic besides just that it's about a girl? How about the style of music, 80s pop? Was there a band or what sort of instrumentation?