Cheeseland -- Parody of 'Graceland' -- i'm looking for it!
(too old to reply)
2017-05-25 23:53:03 UTC
Howdy, all!
Back in the summer of '88 i was driving to work one morning listening
to 97.9 FM in Chicago (the Loop, and no, this isn't a plug!) and i
heard this song called 'Cheeseland'. It's a parody of the
Paul Simon song 'Graceland' and it's *hilarious*.
Anyway, i'm wondering if anyone out there knows who did it, or where
i can find it...or whatever!
"There's a girl in County Stadium
who calls herself the human mezzanine
and when i'm standing on her shoulders
looking out over the crowd i say,
'whoa! so this is what she means'"
thanks for any help
I was looking for the same thing and this was the only hit. The Internet has never failed me so badly before.
2018-03-25 22:09:23 UTC
It was by Steve Dahl. I think he's broadcasting on WLS currently.