They're Writing Your name on the Walls Again Sally ?
(too old to reply)
2016-08-18 21:44:05 UTC
Anyone have info on this country song from the early-mid 70's ? About
a guy who gets Sally's phone number off a men's room wall, calls her,
falls in love, then goes around painting over all the walls. When the
inevitable break-up occurs, the singer sadly finds that "They're
Writing your Name On the Walls Again Sally."
At least I think that's the plot. Any information on the singer or
current availability will be appreciated. I figured this would be the
best place to ask about this great song that I heard on SF Bay area
radio, maybe long-lost KFAT.
Did you ever find the song? am looking also
Jeff Morris
2016-08-20 12:49:43 UTC
A quick google search turned this up:

