"A Message to Khomeini" 1981 - artist?
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2015-07-20 05:03:49 UTC
Hearing Ray Stevens' newest, "Osama - Yo' Mama," on the Demento show
recently got me thinking the good Doctor should do a show segment on
songs of war, pro and con, in honor of the current War on Terrorism.
Gods know there have been enough such songs on the show over the years
to fill at least an hour!
But as I was coming up with a list, I find that, try though I might in
the Google and Teoma search engines or in the Jeff Morris r.m.f.
archives, there is one novelty war song I can't locate any reference
to. It was called "A Message to Khomeini," recorded at the height of
the 1979-1981 Iran hostage crisis, and I owned a copy of the 45 RPM
vinyl single way back when, now long since lost in various moves.
Does anyone remember who wrote/recorded this song? It was just about
the most popular propaganda song to come out of that conflict (yeh, I
know, technically it wasn't a "war," but then neither was Vietnam...),
with the possible exception of "Bomb Iran" by Vince Vance & the
Valiants (TTTO "Barbara Ann" by the Beach Boys). Surely this nugget of
nostalgia can't have gone unremarked by Our Doctor or his loyal
Dementites and Dementoids?
'Cause we could take our BB guns
And blow your buns to the sun
Just our Boy Scouts could wipe you out!
Someday soon, Khomeini
You'll burn one flag too many
Uncle Sam has got his pride
And you're about to feel his clout!
While we're at it, there was yet another song recorded during that
time, by a singer doing a fair impression of Sly Stallone's Rambo
character bragging about how he'd solve the problem real quick if he
Yeh, if I was there, I'd make 'em tingle
I'd serve 'em all up like Shiite on a shingle
My combat boots alone would do
To kick the Shiite outta you!
Anybody remember the title and artist on that one? Can't find it
Any Emails to me or postings here with the information would be
greatly appreciated. Thanks and don't forget to...you know. :-)
-- Matt
---------------------- MATT G. LEGER -----------------------
Graphic Designer - Webmaster - Illustrator - Wordsmith
New York - Philadelphia - Washington - New Orleans
Desperately seeking employment in NYC/PA graphic design
Please email with leads - resume upon request
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The Khomeini song was written by, I believe, a group of students at St. Louis Universuty or Washington Univ. I sttill have a cassette tape with it!
2016-02-27 20:38:32 UTC
Hearing Ray Stevens' newest, "Osama - Yo' Mama," on the Demento show
recently got me thinking the good Doctor should do a show segment on
songs of war, pro and con, in honor of the current War on Terrorism.
Gods know there have been enough such songs on the show over the years
to fill at least an hour!
But as I was coming up with a list, I find that, try though I might in
the Google and Teoma search engines or in the Jeff Morris r.m.f.
archives, there is one novelty war song I can't locate any reference
to. It was called "A Message to Khomeini," recorded at the height of
the 1979-1981 Iran hostage crisis, and I owned a copy of the 45 RPM
vinyl single way back when, now long since lost in various moves.
Does anyone remember who wrote/recorded this song? It was just about
the most popular propaganda song to come out of that conflict (yeh, I
know, technically it wasn't a "war," but then neither was Vietnam...),
with the possible exception of "Bomb Iran" by Vince Vance & the
Valiants (TTTO "Barbara Ann" by the Beach Boys). Surely this nugget of
nostalgia can't have gone unremarked by Our Doctor or his loyal
Dementites and Dementoids?
'Cause we could take our BB guns
And blow your buns to the sun
Just our Boy Scouts could wipe you out!
Someday soon, Khomeini
You'll burn one flag too many
Uncle Sam has got his pride
And you're about to feel his clout!
While we're at it, there was yet another song recorded during that
time, by a singer doing a fair impression of Sly Stallone's Rambo
character bragging about how he'd solve the problem real quick if he
Yeh, if I was there, I'd make 'em tingle
I'd serve 'em all up like Shiite on a shingle
My combat boots alone would do
To kick the Shiite outta you!
Anybody remember the title and artist on that one? Can't find it
Any Emails to me or postings here with the information would be
greatly appreciated. Thanks and don't forget to...you know. :-)
-- Matt
---------------------- MATT G. LEGER -----------------------
Graphic Designer - Webmaster - Illustrator - Wordsmith
New York - Philadelphia - Washington - New Orleans
Desperately seeking employment in NYC/PA graphic design
Please email with leads - resume upon request
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