swedish rhapsody?
(too old to reply)
Beverly Anne Guest
2021-02-13 10:08:41 UTC
: >Does anyone else remember this?
: I never saw the program/film, but it sounds like it could have been
: one of Alfred Hitchcock's half hour shows of that era. Just the right
: touch of irony.
That rings a bell. I think you're right.
It was the theme music of the 1951 movie with the "dapper foreign gentleman" described above. His name was Napoleon something and there was a blade inside his umbrella handle. I saw it when I was a little girl--hated the movie, adored the music. I hummed it so much that my Dad actually searched out the recording and had it playing one day when I came home from school. I'd love to know the title of that movie too.
Jeff Morris
2021-02-13 14:24:10 UTC
Could it be this? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0041877/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0