Need a band for a parody attempt
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Al Date
2016-01-12 20:39:12 UTC
12:57 AM (11 hours ago)

Hey can I get a hand here? clap clap clap

I have written an original parody song! So I had this great fantasy that Weird Al would pick it up. But Weird Al does not accept submitted material, or so it says on his web. He recommends recording it and sending it to the Doctor just like he (Al) did.

Problem is, I had thyroid surgery and it messed up my freaking vocal cords. Not that they were that great to begin with. a kakakaka-kah!

So, I am wondering if there are any demented musicians out there who could give my song a rock voice. I think it is a pretty good parody, but you know how that goes! Our own stuff dont stink!

I guess it would be ideal if it was done here in northern california?
Or do we just skype nowadays and do it in Poland? I am utterly clueless.

How much would it cost me for a decent band to help me lay down a track on tape or a thumb drive, or whatever medium Doctor D is taking these days?

I need help! Hey Dr D, what is your preferred format?
Jeff Morris
2016-01-16 14:10:38 UTC
You might try posting in the Dr. Demento official Facebook group. Maybe someone from The FuMP could help you out.
Al Date
2016-01-17 06:51:15 UTC
Post by Jeff Morris
You might try posting in the Dr. Demento official Facebook group. Maybe someone from The FuMP could help you out.
Thanks JEFF!
I guess everything has gone to fb lol
Jeff Morris
2016-01-18 14:16:30 UTC
Post by Al Date
I guess everything has gone to fb lol
Yes, unfortunately. I find the newsgroup easier to keep up with, and think usenet had groups working better a quarter century ago than FB does today. But it's the "in" thing now.