'Uke Hunts Are Killing Me' New double jokeabilly / novelty CD available
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2019-02-11 23:36:58 UTC
Hi! As a fellow demented music fan, I thought you'd be interested in a double CD filled with humorous and novelty songs, played on vintage instruments with a great band! It's entitled 'Uke Hunts Are Killing Me'

You can check it out at: www.byrdandtheboys.com

or you can see a video of one of our songs: Don't Leave Me (with my ding dong in my hand) on youtube at:

Thanks for your time, and feedback is welcomed!!
2019-03-01 23:52:55 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
Hi! As a fellow demented music fan, I thought you'd be interested in a double CD filled with humorous and novelty songs, played on vintage instruments with a great band! It's entitled 'Uke Hunts Are Killing Me'
You can check it out at: www.byrdandtheboys.com
or you can see a video of one of our songs: Don't Leave Me (with my ding dong in my hand) on youtube at: http://youtu.be/Kyd3JB_TorI
Thanks for your time, and feedback is welcomed!!
New video for the classic My Girl's Pussy at:
