Leprosy / Yesterday Song Parody (possibly in a barbershop quartet style)
(too old to reply)
2014-11-08 03:06:13 UTC
I was there when my father helped write the lyrics. We laughed our butts off trying to come up with them (in Yosemite in the mid 80's.) The barbershop quartet Eufouria recorded it & Dr Demento played it on radio. I used to have a cassette with all the song parodies they wrote. Never found any recording on the web, probably since it's so old. The CORRECT lyrics to their version are:


by Eu-Four-Ia
parody of "Yesterday" by The Beatles

What a sorry mess I am to see.
Even friends can't stand to look at me.
Oh, I despise
My leprosy.

I'm not half the man I used to be.
Pieces keep on falling off of me.
It happens now
So gradually.

When my tongue fell off,
I don't know, I couldn't say.
I said, [*garbled*] "mmmm mmmm mmmm".
Now I long for that sweet day
When I had no

Making love with me could never be.
Yes, I've lost my chance for ecstasy.
Oh I despise
My leprosy.
Jim Sousae
2022-02-11 18:50:58 UTC
Post by s***@yahoo.com
by Eu-Four-Ia
parody of "Yesterday" by The Beatles
Here is some more information:
Lyrics and Arrangement by Paul Engel
Performed by Eufouria barbershop quartet
Lead - Roger Bates
Tenor - George Dort
Baritone - Paul Engel
Bass - Bob Burns
