Cat's In The Kettle?
(too old to reply)
2016-05-22 14:51:20 UTC
Does anyone know who did "Cat's In The Kettle"? I'm pretty sure it was not either Weird Al or Bob Rivers. I never could find out who it was for years.
Wayne S Garmil
2016-05-22 18:01:03 UTC
Post by q***@gmail.com
Does anyone know who did "Cat's In The Kettle"? I'm pretty sure it was
not either Weird Al or Bob Rivers. I never could find out who it was for
It is on the first non-Xmas Twisted Tunes CD, so it is from Bob Rivers
show. I don't remember the name of the group who actually did the
song (Eagle something), they did a number of songs for Bob's show.

_ __ _ __ | I see the girls walk by dressed in
' ) / // / / ) / | their summer clothes; I have to turn
/ / / o // __/ / __. __ __/ | my head until my darkness goes...
(_(_/ <_</_(_/ (__/ (_/|_/ (_(_/_ | -Rolling Stones, "Paint It Black"