Post by Jas BeauIt befell that on 23 May 2004 that "\"MIDIcian\" \(tm\)"
Post by "MIDIcian" (tm)I did hear a bit of Piscopo on the radio a day or two ago (the
RonSonja show?), and he was mentioning his Sinatra impersonations he
did on Saturday Night< and sung a bit of Sinatra on that show.) He
does a good Sinatra. +- +- +- +-
Post by Randall Bart'Twas Sat, 22 May 2004 08:14:00 -0400 when all
Post by Tim RyanPost by BrianDoes anyone remember the artist who imitates
Sinatra singing the alphabet song?
Joe Piscopo often imitated Sinatra.
When I read the question, I immediately visualized Piscopo playing
Sinatra singing the alphabet, but I don't know if he really did it.
This is starting to ring a bell. I can't remember the artist, but I
remember someone singing about "crazy q" or "crazy z" just like Sinatra
would. Maybe an impressionist or stand-up comedian? But I don't think it
was Piscopo.
I wrote a of a a Cra Z (in honor of Jay Z (and I think it was the great Luke
Ski (but I could be off on this, someone in this ng should know if I'm
correct on) who came up with "Lay Z" and the word I parodied in that case))
in one of my parodies, and I have also parodied Sinatra, could you be off in
that you "heard" it rather than "read" it? I'll include the 2 parodies
below so you can see what I'm talking about. If someone had done that as
well, I didn't get it off of that (that I know of), but rather it's what we
know as a "synchronicity".
nl: Flaw on Rockline!!!! (later I'll be listening to the O'Franken Factor
+- +- +- +-
'They're Coming To Snuff Me Away, Luv Uh' by 'Stan and the Sequencers'
Parody of 'They're Coming To Take Me Away, Ha Ha' by 'Napoleon XIV'
Remember when you ran a WAY and you grabbed your scissors and begged me to
leave because I'd go "Weird Al"?
You left me anyhow and then the trolls got worse and worse and now BC I've
gone completely out of my mind.
They're coming to fake you a WAY, luv uh
They're coming to snuff me away, Oh No!, Cra Z, W
On Uncle Jon's farm, where Stan is 'Beautiful' all the time
And I'll be happy to see those nice young men and their bald white heads and
they're coming to snuff me away, luv uh!
You said you had a toke and so you coughed you laughed when I had said that
losing that hit made me Flipp my er,
You know you coughed I heard you cough you laughed you coughed and laughed
and then you toked but now you know you're totally stoned.
They're coming to fake you a WAY, luv uh
They're coming to snuff me away, Oh No!, Cra Z, W
At the flaming house with trolls and spammers and airplane rules and basket
cases who KISS and sign and wiggle their hips and hoes and they're coming to
snuff me away, W!
I cooked your 'tude, I nailed your CON and this is how you pay me back for
all my kind, unselfish trolling deeds?
Well, you just wait we'll find you yet and when we do they'll pull your
account at AOLuh you mangy muttuh!
They're coming to fake you a WAY, luv uh
They're coming to snuff me away, Oh No!, Cra Z, W
On Uncle Jon's farm, where Stan is 'Beautiful' all the time
And I'll be happy to see those nice young men and their bald white heads and
they're coming to snuff me away, luv uh!
At the flaming house with trolls and spammers and airplane rules and basket
cases who KISS and sign and wiggle their hips and hoes and they're coming to
snuff me away, W!
On Uncle Jon's farm, where Stan is 'Beautiful' all the time and I'll be
happy to see those nice young men and their bald white heads and they're
coming to snuff me away!
+- +- +- +-
Smoke and Mirrors (parody of Love And Marriage (Cahn/Van Heusen) Frank
Parody lyrics by Stan and the Sequencers
Smoke and mirrors, smoke and mirrors
Come together like impeachment hearings
This I tell you sucker
You don't get one without the other
Smoke and mirrors, smoke and mirrors
How can I make this any clearer?
Open dictionary (StanNote: and look up "sexual relations")
And it will show it's elementary
Try, try, try to separate them
It's an illusion
Try, try, try, and you will only come
To this conclusion
Smoke and mirrors, smoke and mirrors
Come together like impeachment hearings
DeLay won't tell you sucker
You don't get gov. without the "brother"
+- +- +- +-