Post by irving j puddlebumpIn the digital world, would you purchase a new DS package with a new
button, bumper sticker and CD?
What should be the special goody?
He also needs to come up with a new tee shirt!
A nice idea. I would still buy a CD but I think they would need to devise a download or read only stick option. The pretty much do this, you pay a lower fee to download only or a higher fee to have by-monthly CDs and renewing membership in January gets you a USB stick drive of the previous years music. They are great but keep losing them. Sadly, most of my international membership to the doesn't go to them, most of it ends up with the postal services.
I guess that is one problem with a membership package in particular for international customers. Another problem I could forse with a CD is that doesn't all new of the new stoff come from tracks submitted to the If this is correct, a basement CD woudl pretty much repeat what the fump produce.
On this subject, a few years ago I did try and purchase the last three membership packages (2007, 2008 and 2009) and some other stuff in the 'store' section of the web site but never heard anything back and havn't got round to retrying or investigating if the merchandise is still actually available.
I only discovered Dr Demento in 2001 on the internet, I don't thing the show was ever broadcast on UK radio stations unfortunately. I did purchase a couple of membership packages around that time and enjoyed them. I then lost touch with the show until 2012 when the packages had well and truly ended.