Searching for song - "Those People"
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Tim Bessie
2017-08-02 17:58:08 UTC
I've been searching for a song that I THOUGHT I heard on Demento years ago, where the singer laments about how awful "Those People" are. He then realizes that HE is one of "Those People" - it's a song about prejudice, I think.

I've not been able to find a reference to it, either because the title is different than the refrain, or because the phrase "those people" is too common.

Can anyone remember what song this was, and who sang it?
Jeff Morris
2017-08-05 18:49:59 UTC
It's not ringing a bell with me at this point. Do you have any idea of the timeframe you might have heard it, such as a year or at least a decade? Were you listening in Los Angeles or elsewhere in the country?
Tim Bessie
2017-08-07 17:09:19 UTC
Post by Jeff Morris
It's not ringing a bell with me at this point. Do you have any idea of the timeframe you might have heard it, such as a year or at least a decade? Were you listening in Los Angeles or elsewhere in the country?
I think I heard it in the 90s at some point, tho' it may have been the 80s. I can't remember the context, though; growing up, I listened to the show in Los Angeles, but haven't lived in Los Angeles for a long time, except for a short stint there in 1996/1997. I live in the San Francisco area now, and have for quite some time.

All I can remember of the song is something along these lines:

"My mother always warned me about... THOSE people.
THOSE people.
THOSE people.
My mother always warned me about... THOSE people.
THOSE people
Like you."

and then...

"Oh no! I think I'm one of... THOSE people..."


Does that help at all?

Given all the searching I've done for it, I'm surprised I haven't turned up anything. It must not have been one of the top songs on the show.
Jeff Morris
2017-08-12 12:33:02 UTC
If you heard it in L.A., it helps explain why it's not ringing a bell with me, since he played some songs on KMET and KLSX that he didn't play on the national show I heard. I may come across it someday, but I'm not seeing it on any KMET/KLSX playlists at the moment.

You might post in the official Facebook group to see if Dr. D or anyone there remembers it.
Tim Bessie
2017-08-18 18:35:00 UTC
Post by Jeff Morris
If you heard it in L.A., it helps explain why it's not ringing a bell with me, since he played some songs on KMET and KLSX that he didn't play on the national show I heard. I may come across it someday, but I'm not seeing it on any KMET/KLSX playlists at the moment.
You might post in the official Facebook group to see if Dr. D or anyone there remembers it.
Thanks! I'll give that a try!
Anthony LoGatto
2017-08-13 00:35:11 UTC
Post by Tim Bessie
I've been searching for a song that I THOUGHT I heard on Demento years ago, where the singer laments about how awful "Those People" are. He then realizes that HE is one of "Those People" - it's a song about prejudice, I think.
I've not been able to find a reference to it, either because the title is different than the refrain, or because the phrase "those people" is too common.
Can anyone remember what song this was, and who sang it?
Why do I have the sneaking suspicion that it might be a parody of "Some People" by Belouis Some?
Tim Bessie
2017-08-18 18:35:19 UTC
Post by Anthony LoGatto
Post by Tim Bessie
I've been searching for a song that I THOUGHT I heard on Demento years ago, where the singer laments about how awful "Those People" are. He then realizes that HE is one of "Those People" - it's a song about prejudice, I think.
I've not been able to find a reference to it, either because the title is different than the refrain, or because the phrase "those people" is too common.
Can anyone remember what song this was, and who sang it?
Why do I have the sneaking suspicion that it might be a parody of "Some People" by Belouis Some?
I don't know that song - I'll go listen to it to see!
