Smothers Brothers, need trivia answer...
(too old to reply)
2018-03-12 03:56:16 UTC
This thread probably isn’t even running anymore...but I’m going to add a commemt, just in case. My uncle had numerous records of the great comedians from the 1960s (I distinctly remember The Smothers Brothers and Bob Newhart). Every once in a while, my dad and I go over to his house to visit him. I distinctly remember being there listening to the Smothers Brothers singing their “My Old Man” song. I swear that on the album we were listening to, there was an added verse. In THIS rendition, “their old man” was a n!&&er. I remember how shocked I was at the iMessage (I was only about eight or nine at the time). I would as my dad or uncle, but they both have passed on. Does anyone remember hearing this version of the song?
RH Draney
2018-03-14 07:43:26 UTC
They released two different versions of this on LP, first on Think Ethnic, then later on Golden Hits Vol. 2. They are more or less the same lyrics, and neither has the line you are referring to. It is credited to Oscar Brand. Are you positive you heard this on an LP and it was the Smothers Brothers?
Are you sure this is the word you're thinking of? The last verse, sung by Dick, is about his dad being a cotton pickin' finger lickin' chicken plucker, and the joke is that it's a bit of a tongue twister, and if he slips up, he might say "fucker" instead of "plucker". Are you sure you weren't thinking of that word? Of course they never actually say it.
I'm wondering if robjmey64 might have heard some other performer's
parody of the Smothers Brothers on this song, someone more likely to
slip in a term that was already pretty offensive in the sixties when Tom
and Dick were recording their albums (the closest I ever heard them come
to something that would have been considered racist at the time is Tom's
crack that he's "sore at the Indians" because "they massacred Custer")....

In particular, I'm wondering if the more offensive version came from
"The Brothers Brothers", a pair of characters (named Tom and Tom) on the
old "In Living Color" show....r
Lydia I.
2022-11-26 07:32:13 UTC
Post by r***@gmail.com
This thread probably isn’t even running anymore...but I’m going to add a commemt, just in case. My uncle had numerous records of the great comedians from the 1960s (I distinctly remember The Smothers Brothers and Bob Newhart). Every once in a while, my dad and I go over to his house to visit him. I distinctly remember being there listening to the Smothers Brothers singing their “My Old Man” song. I swear that on the album we were listening to, there was an added verse. In THIS rendition, “their old man” was a n!&&er. I remember how shocked I was at the iMessage (I was only about eight or nine at the time). I would as my dad or uncle, but they both have passed on. Does anyone remember hearing this version of the song?
There is a version that they performed on their show in the 60s where Tommy starts a verse, 'My old man's a Negro...' before being interrupted, it's actually the first result that comes up on YouTube now if you search for the song:

I'd have to say it's very unlikely they ever used the other, much more offensive n-word
Rob Meyers
2023-01-18 05:12:44 UTC
Post by Lydia I.
Post by r***@gmail.com
This thread probably isn’t even running anymore...but I’m going to add a commemt, just in case. My uncle had numerous records of the great comedians from the 1960s (I distinctly remember The Smothers Brothers and Bob Newhart). Every once in a while, my dad and I go over to his house to visit him. I distinctly remember being there listening to the Smothers Brothers singing their “My Old Man” song. I swear that on the album we were listening to, there was an added verse. In THIS rendition, “their old man” was a n!&&er. I remember how shocked I was at the iMessage (I was only about eight or nine at the time). I would as my dad or uncle, but they both have passed on. Does anyone remember hearing this version of the song?
There is a version that they performed on their show in the 60s where Tommy starts a verse, 'My old man's a Negro...' before being interrupted, it's actually the first result that comes up on YouTube now if you search for the song: http://youtu.be/iFVrtjUmz7c
I'd have to say it's very unlikely they ever used the other, much more offensive n-word
Rob Meyers
2023-01-18 05:17:13 UTC
Post by Lydia I.
Post by r***@gmail.com
This thread probably isn’t even running anymore...but I’m going to add a commemt, just in case. My uncle had numerous records of the great comedians from the 1960s (I distinctly remember The Smothers Brothers and Bob Newhart). Every once in a while, my dad and I go over to his house to visit him. I distinctly remember being there listening to the Smothers Brothers singing their “My Old Man” song. I swear that on the album we were listening to, there was an added verse. In THIS rendition, “their old man” was a n!&&er. I remember how shocked I was at the iMessage (I was only about eight or nine at the time). I would as my dad or uncle, but they both have passed on. Does anyone remember hearing this version of the song?
There is a version that they performed on their show in the 60s where Tommy starts a verse, 'My old man's a Negro...' before being interrupted, it's actually the first result that comes up on YouTube now if you search for the song: http://youtu.be/iFVrtjUmz7c
I'd have to say it's very unlikely they ever used the other, much more offensive n-word
I heard that version too! My uncle had all of their records, and he played me that version. My jaw hit the floor. I haven’t been able to find it since, and he died years ago. I don’t know whatever became of that record. So ignore the ignorant haters; you are correct!