who did Elizabeth Taylor's Thighs?
(too old to reply)
2017-04-16 16:54:51 UTC
Get your mind out of the gutter!!! I meant the song parody of the Kim
Carnes hit "Bette Davis Eyes". Sources at the Demento website have no
record of this song. It was suggested that it might be a local parody that
didn't make it onto the Dr. D show. I heard it in San Diego, CA in the
early 80's. If anyone has any information on this song or, better yet, has
a copy of it available - please contact me! Many Thanks... Michael
Pretty sure it was a parody done by Weird Al.
2017-04-17 23:59:29 UTC
Get your mind out of the gutter!!! I meant the song parody of the Kim
Carnes hit "Bette Davis Eyes".
It is actually from the Dire Straits song "Industrial Disease" [the verse starts about 2:35 into the song].

Sociologists invent words that mean 'Industrial Disease'
Doctor Parkinson declared 'I'm not surprised to see you here
You've got smokers cough from smoking, brewer's droop from drinking beer
I don't know how you came to get the Betty Davis knees
But worst of all young man you've got Industrial Disease'

Other parodies include "Col. Sanders Thighs," "Jimmy Durante Nose," and "Lou Ferrigno Thighs."
2017-08-30 20:34:32 UTC
... Sources at the Demento website have no
record of this song. It was suggested that it might be a local parody that
didn't make it onto the Dr. D show. I heard it in San Diego, CA in the
early 80's.
I heard it on one of the Miami AM stations we were able to pick up here in the Bahamas, so it did run in multiple markets. Didn't seem to get a whole lot of airtime.

I remember a few lines of the song:
- "you take her for Chinese / she orders dinner for five/ she'll eat yours and mine / 'cos she's got Lizbeth Taylor thighs"
- "when you meet her / you can't please her / 'til you show her to your freezer"
- "she's enormous / and she knows just what it takes to make you nauseous"
2019-12-13 21:38:46 UTC
I wrote the song for The Dick Purtan Show, then on CKLW.
It was performed by Detroiter Shirley Stockwell and had airplay around the country. An article about the song appeared in The Washington Post Sunday Magazine in January of 1982.
Anthony LoGatto
2019-12-25 10:11:16 UTC
Post by l***@gmail.com
I wrote the song for The Dick Purtan Show, then on CKLW.
It was performed by Detroiter Shirley Stockwell and had airplay around the country. An article about the song appeared in The Washington Post Sunday Magazine in January of 1982.
Curious to know if you still have a copy for us to play?
2019-12-13 21:39:46 UTC
BTW, I’m Larry Lawson
2020-05-16 17:46:46 UTC
Larry - I want you to know that I am 49 years old, I have not heard your parody since the early 1980s,band to this day, when I hear the Kim Carnes original, I STILL sing your version in my mind.
"When she sees you
She won't please you
Eat 10 Big Macs just to tease you.
She's enormous.
And she knows just what it takes to make you nauseous."

It's brilliant. I have looked EVERYWHERE for a version of that song. It's my white whale.
Thank you for making a song that I remember more than 35 years after I last heard it.
2020-05-16 17:52:06 UTC
Larry - I want you to know that I am 49 years old, I have not heard your parody since the early 1980s, and to this day, when I hear the Kim Carnes original, I STILL sing your version in my mind.
"When she sees you
She won't please you
Eat 10 Big Macs just to tease you.
She's enormous.
And she knows just what it takes to make you nauseous."

It's brilliant. I have looked EVERYWHERE for a version of that song. It's my white whale.
Thank you for making a song that I remember more than 35 years after I last heard it.
2020-07-23 00:05:31 UTC
Get your mind out of the gutter!!! I meant the song parody of the Kim
Carnes hit "Bette Davis Eyes". Sources at the Demento website have no
record of this song. It was suggested that it might be a local parody that
didn't make it onto the Dr. D show. I heard it in San Diego, CA in the
early 80's. If anyone has any information on this song or, better yet, has
a copy of it available - please contact me! Many Thanks... Michael
Try this:

2020-07-23 00:06:20 UTC
Get your mind out of the gutter!!! I meant the song parody of the Kim
Carnes hit "Bette Davis Eyes". Sources at the Demento website have no
record of this song. It was suggested that it might be a local parody that
didn't make it onto the Dr. D show. I heard it in San Diego, CA in the
early 80's. If anyone has any information on this song or, better yet, has
a copy of it available - please contact me! Many Thanks... Michael
