While eating a piece of cherry pie in the automat...
(too old to reply)
2015-01-14 18:04:03 UTC
It's not music, but I'm hoping someone here will recognize the
above tag line and tell me which comedian uses it. He's describing
the untimely death of his father, who didn't know you were supposed
to take them out of the little doors. The line then goes on to be
used any time he mentions someone dying. I used to hear this bit
on the, alas defunct, Comedy Hour on KSFO.
Art forms I'd like not to see, #332: Rap opera.
Jackie Vernon, only 23 years later.
2017-12-19 19:20:03 UTC
We can't hear the word "Automat" without remembering the late deadpan comic, Jackie Vernon. "To look at me, you'd never guess I used to be a dull guy," Vernon would say in his droning, monotone voice. "At parties, I stayed in the room with the coats." It was Vernon who sadly reported the death of his uncle (or someone), "Who was eating a piece of cherry pie at the Automat, when the little glass door snapped closed and broke his neck." Some years ago (probably in the mid-1980s), the late actress, Kathryn Grayson was scheduled to appear at the Dunes, where she was to co-star with a Mario Lanza-style singer (cannot remember his name). For unknown reasons, she never did that engagement. Instead, comic Jackie Vernon shared the bill with the male singer. It was Jackie Vernon who frequently threw the name Sig Sakowicz into his standup routines. Much like Jimmy Durante had "Mrs. Calabash," and Rodney Dangerfield had "Dr. Vinnie Boombatz," whenever Vernon needed a funny name, he would use "Sig Sakowicz." Until we moved to Las Vegas, we had no idea that there really was a Sig Sakowicz. A former Chicago radio, and later TV, personality, Sakowicz came to Las Vegas in the early '70s. In 1972, he ran for the highest office in the land, with a campaign slogan stating, "Vote for Sig Sakowicz for President. What have you got to lose?" Jackie Vernon died in 1987 at 63. Sig Sakowicz died in 2004 at the age of 80.
RH Draney
2017-12-20 06:36:58 UTC
Post by g***@gmail.com
It was Jackie Vernon who frequently threw the name Sig Sakowicz into his standup routines. Much like Jimmy Durante had "Mrs. Calabash," and Rodney Dangerfield had "Dr. Vinnie Boombatz," whenever Vernon needed a funny name, he would use "Sig Sakowicz." Until we moved to Las Vegas, we had no idea that there really was a Sig Sakowicz. A former Chicago radio, and later TV, personality, Sakowicz came to Las Vegas in the early '70s. In 1972, he ran for the highest office in the land, with a campaign slogan stating, "Vote for Sig Sakowicz for President. What have you got to lose?" Jackie Vernon died in 1987 at 63. Sig Sakowicz died in 2004 at the age of 80.
That's more than fifteen percent!...r
