Looking for info on song about Allentown, PA
(too old to reply)
2014-05-31 09:47:52 UTC
I remember the song too. Woke up with it in my head this morning and did some research and found that the song is called "Do the Dutch" by Steve Brosky.

R H Draney
2014-05-31 10:20:40 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
I remember the song too. Woke up with it in my head this morning and did some
research and found that the song is called "Do the Dutch" by Steve Brosky.
You appear to be replying to a message that was posted in September of 2002....r
Me? Sarcastic?
Yeah, right.
2016-03-09 21:15:31 UTC
Does anyone remember this song, circa early to mid 80's?
All I can piece together is the chorus, "Hey now, let's get down, let's all go
to Allentown...." sung in mock-Amish accents. May have only been a regional
phenomenon. My friend & family think I'm making this up. Anyone else remember
it? If so, what was it called, who was responsible for it, and where can I get
a copy?
Whitey (York, PA)
Hey nah, Let's get dahn, let's all go to Allentahn.

Yep. I remember.
2016-03-09 21:29:33 UTC
On Sunday, September 1, 2002 at 2:50:31 PM UTC-7, MGutek1049 wrote:

And evidence
