Help me find this song - "Fat is In"
(too old to reply)
2013-02-06 21:17:49 UTC
Many years ago... (like, in the 1988-89 timeframe) when I used to tape the Dr
Demento show from Q-100 in Allentown PA, the DJ would occasionally play
demented songs between segments of Dr Demento to fill time. One such song was
called "Fat is In." I used to have it on tape, but the tape has long since
degraded (cheap K-Mart crap...) and I have never heard the song again. Has
anyone ever heard it, and can they possibly suggest a place to find it? It
was a hysterical rap-type song, and surprisingly, I can remember most of the
It starts out with a guy talking, saying something like, "The other day,
someone even had the nerve to call me a big fat tub of goo. Well, this is
Terry Forrester, saying, we're not gonna take it anymore. From now on, Fat is
Chocolate Cone! Chocolate Cone! Chocolate Cone!
We got a brand new time when fat is fine
Where being overeweight is a real good time
Eat what you want, don't exercise
Cause nothing turns me on like cellulite thighs
I did a search of the Demento Playlists, and the only match I could find is a
song by the Love Handles, but it was only played once, in 1985. Is this the
same song? Searching the web for The Love Handles brings up a British band
that doesn't look to be the same thing.
(Who amazes himself that he can remember stuff like this but continuously
forgets his anniversary...)
Double chins are tons of fun
On the beach you block the sun

Carbohydrates are the key
Eat a lot and you'll agree

Now, a lot of people think that getting big is bad
That Jackie Gleason, Orson Welles are really sad...

Yeah, too bad you only heard the song. I have a vhs of Bob Uecker's Wacky World of Sports 2 which contains the music video of that song. It is the best. Don't forget to check out Haji The Turbin Cowboy on there.
2014-01-17 21:00:06 UTC
Oddly enough I remembered the song today and was searching once again for it... came across this ancient thread. Now that Google has caught up with the rest of the world I found tons more references, including a YouTube clip of the Letterman "Big fat tub of goo" comment.
Jeff Morris
2014-01-18 15:53:08 UTC
In the meantime, I found out that one of the versions is on an LP called Fat Is In by The Comedy Works. There it's credited to Terry Forster & The Lovehandles.
2015-12-10 14:12:18 UTC
lol..for some strange reason the song Fat Is In popped in my head this morning and I'm a google nerd so i googled it just to see what was online about it and found this 12 year old thread. I too heard it on the Dr. Demento show back in the mid/late 80's on Q100 when we moved from NJ to the Poconos. I dont know why i recorded the station flip from Q100 to Hot 99.9 back in the day too.

Another Dr. Demento fav was the guy ordering from the drive through..AND A LAAAAAARE OOORRRAANNNGE DRINK....DRINK!!..>DRINK!!!!! I WANT A DOUBLE CHEESEBURGER, ONION RINGS AND A LARGE ORANGE DRINK!!!
Glenn Brensinger
2023-02-07 15:43:33 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
lol..for some strange reason the song Fat Is In popped in my head this morning and I'm a google nerd so i googled it just to see what was online about it and found this 12 year old thread. I too heard it on the Dr. Demento show back in the mid/late 80's on Q100 when we moved from NJ to the Poconos. I dont know why i recorded the station flip from Q100 to Hot 99.9 back in the day too.
When they played “Some like it Hot” for 24 hours straight? I remember that…
2016-02-28 18:26:52 UTC
I know this is an old thread, but I too was thinking about this song. It can be found here

2016-03-08 04:00:20 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
I know this is an old thread, but I too was thinking about this song. It can be found here http://youtu.be/r8v9ylKRATA
lol..nice find.
2016-04-22 22:01:55 UTC
Song was on an old vhs tape of bob euckers wacky world of sports.