Dr. Demento Top 20 Video Countdown on MTV...
(too old to reply)
2013-06-07 19:14:45 UTC
: 2 things...
: First off, does anyone have a recording of this entire special back in
: 1989? I didn't know it would be on, so I didn't catch the beginning,
I don't have it, but it is available commercially. I saw it in a store
about two months ago. Come to think of it, I don't know why I didn't buy
it then. I settled for Casablanca.
"Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much
as you please." -author omitted pending confirmation.
Check out The Pirate Bay. It is available in other torrent sites. You can also buy it from Amazon, and I assume from iTunes.
Jeff Morris
2013-06-08 13:02:05 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
Check out The Pirate Bay. It is available in other torrent sites. You can also buy it from Amazon, and I assume from iTunes.
You mean the 20th anniversary video on Rhino is available on amazon right? I'll be surprised if it's on iTunes. The broadcast programs aren't on amazon or iTunes are they? I just see the video and CD.